Saturday, August 25, 2012

31 Day Reset Challenge Day 25

Find a Community to Support Your Goals

My new community is my family, my top three, M., WUSF and the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ). My family always supports me in what I do as long as it’s benefitting me in a positive and healthy way. They help me rationalize my thoughts and give me a real world perspective on my goals versus the dreamy perspective I have sometimes I have. My top three (my best friends) also uplift me and encourage me which is wonderful to have. Now as far as the journalism side goes….M., my friends at WUSF and NABJ GO HARD IN THE PAINT! Seriously, as fellow journalists they want to see me succeed and if I even say, “Oh I was thinking of taking a different route into broadcasting instead of print” they will start emailing me job opportunities, fellowship opportunities….EVERYTHING. M. is especially supportive of all that I do and always encourages me and pushes me to reach my full potential. He gives me that kick in the butt that I need…isn’t that what a community is supposed to do?

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